Kanazawa’s Urban Heritage and Post-2024 Noto Earthquake Recovery


This years two-day seminar field trip to Kanazawa, joined by 3rd and 4th year students, was an enriching exploration of how an historial city like Kanazawa blends historical preservation with modern urban development. The purpose of the trip was to examine the integration of Kanazawa’s urban planning, its cultural heritage, and its recovery following the 2024 Noto Earthquake. The seminar group visited significant landmarks, including Kanazawa Castle, Kenrokuen Garden, the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, the Suzuki Museum and the Higashi Chaya district. Our goal was to gain insight into how the city maintains its historical identity while adapting to contemporary urban needs.

Day 1: Examining Historical and Modern Integration

Kanazawa Castle
We began our exploration at Kanazawa Castle, a key historical site and designated heritage site since 2008. The restoration work, which is lasting now since several decades, carefully balances traditional techniques with modern engineering, ensuring both historical authenticity and structural resilience. However, after the 2024 Noto earthquake the progress slowed down as the attention was shifted to the recovery of the northern pensisula. Also on this day we were reminded that the recovery process has been slower than anticipated as the region continues to feel the lingering effects of the earthquake, with progress hindered by ongoing challenges such as a slow reconstruction procress, financial struggles and heavy rain/ flooding.

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
Due to the heavy rain, our next stop was the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, where we explored the striking contrast between modern architectural design and the traditional urban layout of Kanazawa. This museum provided a glimpse into how contemporary urban planning integrates with the city’s historical fabric. The modern architecture of the museum, designed to interact seamlessly with the city, also highlighted how Kanazawa is positioning itself as a cultural hub in the 21st century while still honoring its historical roots.

Day 2: Reflections on Simplicity, Religion, and Urban Harmony

D.T. Suzuki Museum
On the second day, we visited the D.T. Suzuki Museum, a serene space dedicated to the Zen philosopher D.T. Suzuki. The museum’s minimalist architecture deeply resonated with our exploration of urban planning principles, as it embodied a perfect balance between simplicity and harmony in design. We reflected on how the museum integrates the natural environment into the urban landscape, using design to create a meditative atmosphere, representing an ideal fusion of nature, space, and culture in urban contexts.

Adjacent to the castle, we explored Kenrokuen Garden, one of Japan’s most renowned landscape gardens. Here, we observed the careful design principles from the Edo period and noted how recent restoration efforts continued to preserve its historic charm while enhancing durability against natural disasters.

Higashi Chaya District
Our final stop was the Higashi Chaya District, a beautifully preserved area known for its traditional teahouses and the cultural atmosphere of old Kanazawa. The district allowed us to observe firsthand how Kanazawa’s cultural identity is preserved in a modern urban setting. Walking through the narrow streets and alleys, we felt the district’s vibrant energy, where historical buildings continue to serve as a vital part of the community’s daily life. The district offered a perfect conclusion to our trip, demonstrating how Kanazawa’s cultural past continues to thrive amidst modern development.


The seminar’s zemitrip to Kanazawa provided invaluable insights into how the city successfully blends historical preservation with modern urban planning. Kanazawa’s ability to recover from the 2024 Noto Earthquake while maintaining its cultural and architectural integrity left a strong impression on us. The visit allowed us to see how a city with such a deep history can evolve without compromising its heritage, providing a model for balancing urban growth with cultural preservation.

Chiyoda Diaries Documentary

In May students started to prepare a new series of interviews for the upcoming screening of a documentary about everyday life and challenges in Tokyo’s neighbourhoods, this time focussing on Jinbocho, Kanda. The aim it is to highlight the challenges the residents and visitors face everyday to live and access this neighbourhood. This forms a unique chance for the students to conduct town walks and interviews at the same time, documenting their work and research not just in form of fieldnotes, visual sketches but also videomaterial which they can utilize to recall the fieldwork and support their findings.

As the work just started, the time of the screening and exhibition will be announced at a later date. More can be found here: https://heideimai.com/seminar-cities-culture-and-everyday-life-2022%e5%b9%b4%e5%be%8c%e6%9c%9f/

Image taken at https://www.instagram.com/coffeehousedue/

Autumn Semester 2022/2023

The new semester has started already and for the very first time a new zemi is aiming to raise students’ concern over their mundane everyday lives in the modern city. It encourages students to explore the sociological implications of urban cultural experiences. This subject also strengthens students’ skills of planning, developing and carrying out social science research(es). Emphasis is given to current cultural issues, changes and developments going on in Tokyo and other Asian cities (Seoul, Hongkong, Shanghai, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore) while taking global and regional factors into account.  We will take up the challenge of demonstrating what, how and why we can learn from cities as Tokyo. To do so, we will study the hidden aspects of the city, discovering, remembering and re-telling the tales and everyday stories from the past to the present day.  

Research projects will focus on the diversity of the Chiyoda-ku ward and other surrounding areas, and results of the group and individual fieldwork conducted will be featured here:


and upcoming exhibitions, symposiums and publications. Stay tuned!

New Semester 2022

After some eventful weeks, a new semester is starting in April and we will be back in the classroom from next week F2F. I am not sure what will come out of this as the pandemic has still not ended, but several new courses and research projects have been set up and organized so students will hopefully learn a diversity of skills this academic year. Just a short but not complete list:

Course Area Studies Eastern Europe (with special attention given to Ukraine)

Course Environment and Culture

Course Urban Studies Seminar

Research Project: Urban Ethnographies and Narratives of Asian Cities

Research Project: Qualitative Methodology and Interviews with different Community Leader

All courses and results will be featured here over the next month:

Seminar 2022/23 Cities, Culture and Everyday Life

Talk 19 November 2021, Global Floor, Senshu University

Tokyo Roji – The Diversity and Versatility of Alleys in a City in Transition
2021 年 11 月 19 日(金)16:35~18:05

The back alleys of Tokyo used to be a place for ordinary people’s daily lives, but they gradually changed their appearance due to complex interests. Pushed by the emergence of new forms of dwellings and public spaces, relocated as non-traditional sites, recreated by modern urban design discourses, the social significance now attached to alleys is personal speculation. It has been reinterpreted in various ways by subcultures and new social movements. In the lecture, we will introduce and consider examples of urban practices that take place in the dynamic urban landscape of modern Tokyo, and depict the life cycle of urban forms that are found again as physical spaces, commercialized, and lost.

東京の路地裏は、かつて庶民の日常生活の場で あったが、複雑な利害関係によって次第にその姿 を変えていった。住居や公共空間の新しい形態の 出現によって押しやられ、従来とは異なる用地と して再配置され、現代のアーバンデザイン・ディス コースによって再創生され、いまや路地に付され た社会的意義は、個人の思惑や、サブカルチャー、新しい社会運動などによってさまざまに再解釈さ れている。講義では、現代 東京のダイナミックな 都市景観のなかで行われる都市の慣行例を紹介・考察し、物理的な空間として再び見いだされ、商品 化されて、失われるという都市形態のライフサイ クルを描き出している。

A+U Special Issue 2021

A special issue of A+U will be published on 8 November 2021, to which I provided a short article entitled “Tokyo Above and Below – The Neglected and Poor of the City, in Radovic, D. Tokyo Diversities, A+U, Architecture and Urbanism Magazine, Tokyo: Shinkenchiku-Sha Co.” discussing problems as marginalisation, poverty and homelessness in contemporary Tokyo.

More can be found here:



Gentrification Symposium 2022

Neighborhood Transformation in East Asian Cities: Is “Gentrification” the Right Frame of Reference?

15 – 17 May 2022 (Postponed from August 2021), hybrid set-up

In this symposium, we are interested in the following question: Is “gentrification” the best concept with which to describe what is going on in Asian cities, or do we need other—or additional—frames to understand the Asian context at the neighborhood level? Our goals in this symposium are to 1) understand what is going on at the neighborhood level in Asia; and 2) identify more appropriate terms and lenses with which to describe transformations in Asian cities, using locally-specific language and frameworks.

The geographical scope of the symposium is East Asia, including Northeast Asia and the ASEAN countries in Southeast Asia. Contributions may be in the form of individual case studies or comparative work involving multiple cities in the region. Selected papers presented at the symposium will be published together as an edited volume or a special journal issue, depending on the strength and coherence of the contributions.  

Given the ongoing uncertainties arising from Covid-19, this will be a blended event with participants (both panelists and audience members) having the option to join the panel proceedings online if travel to Chiba is not possible, or if they prefer to participate online.

Panel: Heide Imai, Florian Purkarthofer

Gentrification, Revitalization or what: Changing Spaces, Places and Scapes in Japan

While the core meaning of gentrification – the spatial expression of economic inequality – is still a relevant research topic for metropolitan regions, the forms, structures and processes of urban change are differing by place and neighborhood. Yet, there is also a rich discourse about revitalization and recovery of cities and neighborhoods, facing population decline due to aging and migration into the metropolitan areas. Looking at newly opened coffee shop, galleries and shared work spaces in those places, one might be forced to rethink the overly simplified dichotomy of gentrification (bad) and revitalization (good). Hence, the paper tries to move beyond such concepts to ask how the ambiguity of urban change can be understood.

The case studies — rich in data and from different urban spheres in Japan, which experienced decline, failure but also rebirth and revival — allow us to develop a deeper understanding for the ongoing restructuring processes which happen around us, yet we cannot fully understand until we know how they affect the everyday life of the ordinary residents, users and visitors (often in contrasting ways). We use metropolitan case studies from Tokyo (Kiyosumi Shirakawa) and outside the metropolitan area (Morioka) to substantiate our pursuit. While the influx of richer households is still replacing poorer tenants in Tokyo, the arrival of new (wealthy) people in many shrinking cities throw-out japan is perceived as a blessing, reducing the number of deserted houses. And while some symptoms might seem similar, the actual meaning and impact on the city and its social fabrics can be antithetic.

Focusing on changing spaces in contemporary Japan, we try to show that urban change is multifaceted and context-sensitive and that it needs more than two buzzwords to grasp its complexity.

More here: https://ukna.asia/gentrification

New Reviews


Reviews about “Asian Alleyways” (with Marie Gibert-Flutre)

“The rich ethnographic data provide insights into how to address the central question posed in the book, which asks what the future roles and functions of the old alleyways are in the modern city. Each chapter elucidates the potential of alleyways by examining their transformations and functions, explaining the conflicts and initiatives, and underlining concerns and uncertainties. Together, they develop new perspectives on the laneways through the concepts of marginalization and reintegration. […] Asian Alleyways opens up questions that will interest architects, urban planners and designers, as well as policymakers interested in the spatial qualities and dynamics of these alleyways.”
– Ha Minh Hai Thai, School of Architecture and Urban Design, RMIT University, Melbourne, Journal of Urban Design, 2021


“The volume edited by Marie Gibert-Flutre and Heide Imai approaches the ever-changing, multi-faceted Asian alleyways as spaces of everyday practice through dense de-scriptions of the quotidian and interviews with urban planners, businesspeople, and the residents of these “liminal places” ( Jones 2007), thus bringing to light these often neglected—in real life as well as in academia—in-between spaces.The volume presents a fascinating kaleidoscope of rich ethnographic detail gathered from metropoles across Asia, such as Ho Chi Minh City, Beijing, To-kyo, Seoul, Bangkok, Shanghai, Taipei, and Hong Kong. It furthers discussions on how spaces create collectives, how collectives create space, and how social change, local politics, and recent modes of globalization impact lived realities in Asian cities.” Daniel BULTMANN, Humboldt-Universität Berlin,


Review about “Creativity in Tokyo” (with Matjaz Ursic)


Sustainability Live Talk Interview

Today I was invited by Joy Jarman-Walsh, hosting regular Sustainability Live Talks, to talk about different research projects in Japan and Asia, about backstreet heritage, traditions and the wisdoms of the locals to inspire new approaches of revitalization, resilience, creativity, innovation and sustainable practices including tourism. Many thanks and hopefully more chances for exchange follow 🙂

Please watch the interview here:


FCCJ Book Break Tokyo Roji, 10th April 2019

At 10th April 2019 Heide Imai will give a Book Break at the FCCJ (Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan) to talk about her most recent book Tokyo Roji – The Diversity and Versatility of Alleys in a City in Transition”.

Date and Time:
Wednesday, April 10, 2019, from 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm (The talk will be in English)

The FCCJ library committee is offering a cocktail party – “Meet the Author” – starting at 6:15 pm, followed by dinner at 6:45 pm.

For more information, refer to:

OAG Talk and Walk 2018 – Tokyo Roji: Tsukajima’s Backlanes between Tradition and Modernity

Dr. Heide Imai gave in April 2018 a lecture at the OAG Tokyo (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens/オーアーゲー・ドイツ東洋文化研究協会) with the title “Tokyo Roji – Tsukajima’s Backlanes between Tradition and Modernity”. After an engaging discussion and Q+A session, the group travelled to Tokyo’s bay area to discover the backlanes of Tsukudajima with their own eyes.

After a delicious Monjayaki lunch, the group walked through a maze of green alleyways which are so typical for this historical neighbourhood, yet have fastly disappeared in the last years due to large construction and redevelopment processes.

For more information:

Photograph by Thomas Gittel (2019).