Recovering from disaster and pandemic: Visiting the Hoki Museum, Chiba

In August 2020 the Hoki Museum in Chiba finally was able to reopen after undergoing major renovation. Being severly damaged by water caused by Typhoon Hagibis on 25th October 2019, the Museum had to close down and restore major parts of the museum which have been flooded. Also more than 100 art works were affected, forming a large part of the collection which is solely featuring realist art pieces, especially work of painter Sosuke Morimoto.

After months of renovation, the museum was hoping to reopen in spring 2020 but then the Covid-19 pandemic struck and plans had to be put on hold for an unknown time, causing new challenges and stresses for the museum.

Being one of the only museum worldwide focusing on photorealistic art, many museum lovers and supporters urgently awaited the latest developments and the announcement to reopen on August 1st 2020. The museum did not disappointed as it now features a special selection of work done by Morimoto, who inspired owner Masao Hoki in the first place to open the museum in 2010.

If you plan to visit the museum, then please book your tickets online here:

Our study group was more than impressed with the building, renovation and art work and we closed the day with a visit to the attached restaurant which serves outstanding dishes using local products and supporting local businesses. We will be for sure back soon.