Seminar 2023/24 Human Scale of Cities

今井ゼミ2023年度は、専修大学で「グローバル都市のヒューマンスケール」と題され、今井ハイデ教授によって指導されています。このセミナーは 東京、メルボルン、ニューヨーク、台北などの都市の日常生活に焦点を当て、都市環境の社会学的側面を探求します。現在の研究テーマには、神保町の食文化ランドスケープ、高速道路を歩行者友好的な通路に変換する取り組み、都市の生活向上のための無料給水活動、そして都市の屋上を多様な方法で利用する革新的なアプローチが含まれています。これらのトピックは、都市の持続可能性と活性化を深く理解するためのものです。



The Imai Seminar for 2023 at Senshu University, entitled “The Human Scale of Global Cities” and led by Dr. Heide Imai, focuses on the daily urban life of cities such as Tokyo, Melbourne, New York, and Taipei. The seminar explores the sociological aspects of urban environments, with current research topics including the exploration of food landscapes in Jinbocho, converting highways into pedestrian-friendly pathways, initiatives to provide free water to enhance urban living, and innovative uses of urban rooftops. These topics delve into practical and theoretical aspects of urban sustainability and revitalization.

Future research topics planned for the seminar aim to address broader urban challenges and include promoting resilient landscapes, fostering inclusive communities, protecting traditions in the face of modernity, addressing overtourism, and enhancing social and economic prosperity. These themes seek to develop strategies that adapt urban environments to meet contemporary challenges effectively.

Additionally, the seminar included an educational trip to Kobe, offering students firsthand observation and study of urban resilience and redevelopment. Seminar trips are an integral part of the curriculum, providing practical insights and real-world applications of the theoretical discussions from the seminar.