Resilience, Social Capital and Community

A recent FAZ article ( discusses the cultural and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia, particularly through the lens of art and social resilience in China and Japan. The article highlights a special issue of the “Asian Studies” journal by the University of Ljubljana, which delves into the artistic processing of the COVID-19 pandemic in these countries. The research we conducted remotely in 2020/21 in the vicinity of Ishinomaki, Japan, is specifically mentioned as an example of how disasters historically prompt the mobilization of social capital. Following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, the area witnessed significant contributions from civil society towards reconstruction, involving not just local communities but also migrants. A decade later, the pandemic has further catalyzed the development of social networks and creative place-making, with the researchers interviewing various local figures, such as a guesthouse owner pivoting to accommodate students and a drive-in cinema operator using a sea wall as a screen.

This article underscores the importance of social capital in crisis management and recovery, demonstrating how communities in Asia have adapted creatively to the challenges posed by the pandemic, fostering resilience and transformation in the process. Social capital emerges as vital, with networks, norms, and trust enabling shared objectives’ pursuit, essential for community spirit and cooperation during hardships. Expanding this research for presentation at the 2024 Asian Studies Conference (ASAA), the focus will broaden to include similar cases across Japan and the Pacific Rim. This initiative aims to explore social capital’s nuanced impact in diverse cultural contexts, offering valuable lessons on resilience and recovery strategies adaptable globally.

Further reading:

Social Capital, Innovation, and Local Resilience -Tokyo Neighbourhood in Times of Crisis

Creative Revitalization in Rural Japan- Lessons from Ishinomaki