Recently, Dr. Heide Imai was invited to Soongsil University, Seoul by Prof. Jung In Kim (Department of Architecture) to give a lecture about the Olympic Games taking in 2020 in Tokyo, talking about rapid urban change, social stratification and other issues, especially related to the destruction of old structures like the Tsukiji Fish Market which was replaced with a new generic structure, located in Toyosu. Visiting among many other rapidly changing places as Gangnam, Euljiro and Hongdae, the Noryangjin Fish Market in Seoul, the researcher was able to compare both places which underwent almost identical transformation processes.
As both cities, Tokyo and Seoul, face similar challenges as an aging society, shrinking birthrate, hidden poverty and changing social values, it is important to focus on the human perspective and how people experience those cities to create spaces which are open for all. Accordingly, Dr. Imai
discussed with the students new ideas and concepts for public spaces, housing and equal work spaces which they will integrate in their final design and thesis projects. In May 2019 Prof. Jung In Kim and students from Soongsil University will visit Hosei University to discuss their projects with GIS Students, planning to exchange new ideas and compare urban life in both cities.